donesschen wrote in capslock_koei Dec 08, 2012 00:34
hey look xiahou dun has-nevermind..., oh yes i did, xiahou dun is oh-so jealous of guan yu, koei don't love you no moar, wei rhymes with gay, japan you've done it again, wtf!?, stop me before i embarrass myself, too many haircuts, possibly, oh no you didn't, this man controls wei's military, xiahou dun is a homo, what, srsly important bsnss yo, at least they aren't in skirts yet, my god look at all these chinese people, sorry in advance, what a hell is going on, ahhhhhhhh!!!, noooooooooooooooooooo!, is my bias showing, bye bye beautiful, i can make you a man, capslock_dragonball z, xiahou dun
toxic_chocolate wrote in capslock_koei Jul 08, 2008 23:40
cao cao has it bad for beardy, xiahou dun is oh-so jealous of guan yu, koei don't love you no moar